3 things successful people do before 9am ⏰

19 Mar 2018




We are all mesmerised by the allure of the snooze button, especially during a busy week. But being half asleep when you get to work is not indicative of a productive day. Research shows that there is a common denominator to success, getting up early. There is a whole three hours between waking at 6am and arriving at work at 9am. Here’s what to do with them to get ahead….


1. Plan your day

Plan out your to do list...and do the difficult things first! This means that you accomplish ‘that thing you have been putting off’ when you have the most energy and your tasks get easier throughout the day. Early mornings mean you can plan uninterrupted and have some clarity on priorities. Make sure you include time in the day to relax, whether that’s a lunchtime walk, a coffee break or even mindfulness.


2. Exercise

Exercise gets oxygen to the brain, which stimulates and energises the body. Plus it’s a great way of de-stressing and having some thinking time before a busy day. Whether you run or cycle before or to work, take and exercise class or do a spot of yoga at home, allocating even 20 mins to getting your heart rate up is a positive start to your day.


3. Stay informed

Read the newspaper before work and keep up to date with industry news, hires and technology advancements. It will get you noticed, but also give you inspiration and motivation.

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