4 tips to avoid distractions at work

15 Jun 2018


In a busy office it can be difficult to concentrate, you have calls and emails to answer, colleagues to distract you and sometimes even an office dog to make friends with. However, small distractions can ruin your overall productivity for the day and affect your quality of work. Here are our top tips to maintain your focus….


1. Stay off your phone

Over 50% of people use their phone at work, with over 10% actually checking their phone in a meeting (never ok!) Although making the odd call or replying to a WhatsApp whilst at work is in most cases absolutely fine, constantly checking your phone is a major distraction not to mention unprofessional. If you can’t resist use a distraction-free app like Freedom.


2. Manage your priorities

Large projects can seem a little overwhelming and stunt productivity due to procrastination. Split the jobs you are doing into chunks, work through each to completion and tick them off. Smaller tasks seem more achievable and mean you are purposefully working towards your overall goal.  


3. Tell colleagues when you need to concentrate

If you need to concentrate and your colleagues are distracting you, tell them. As long as you are polite about it there will be no hard feelings. Productivity is infectious, so if you set clear boundaries and knuckle down when necessary, others around will you will feel compelled to do the same.


4. Make time for breaks

Research shows that frequent breaks can boost your overall productivity, whether they are movement breaks like taking a walk around the block or working standing up for half an hour, breaks away from the screen or breaks to rehydrate. It is important to give your brain a rest which is integral to staying motivated.


For advice from our specialist consultants on your next career move, call 01534 875444 or email consultants@1strecruit.co.uk


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