Survive January with these money saving tips

07 Jan 2019


Don’t you love that feeling of getting paid early in December, just in time to join in all the Christmas festivities? However there is no forgetting the consequence of this...the long and painful drag through until January payday. It can make January feel like it’s never going to end and this isn’t helped in the slightest by the cold, dark days.

Need some advice to help keep the January blues at bay and keep you financially steady? Here’s our top tips for pinching the pennies until the first paycheck of 2019 lands in your hands.


Write yourself a budget plan for the month.

This is an invaluable habit to get yourself into to keep an eye on your outgoings. Once you list the most important financial commitments you can’t avoid, such as your rent, phone bill and so on, you can figure out how much you can put towards the rest of your expenditures. You’ll also see where you’re needlessly flashing the cash - do you really need 3 Starbuck cappuccinos everyday?


Participate in Dry January.

If you like a drink or two or four, chances are a fair cut of your income goes towards alcohol. Give your wallet and your liver a break from the bashing it no doubt received over the Christmas period and possibly even raise some cash for charity by taking part in Dry January. Get a friend involved too and keep each other motivated, or give yourself a goal such as shedding those few pounds gained from the Christmas food overload.


Get selling.

January is a quiet month in most people’s calendars, and thanks to the dark evenings and cold weather it is a perfect excuse to sort through your belongings at home. Haven’t worn that dress all year? Is that blender you swore to make fresh smoothies with every morning just taking up space on the counter? List these items online to declutter and bring in some extra pennies.


Review your finances.

January can be a great month for looking at where your money goes throughout the year. Have a gander at your energy provider and see if there are any better deals out there you could benefit from. Also think about what subscription services you’re signed up for. Do you really need that Netflix account when all you watch is Youtube? Are you really going to keep your promise of going to the gym 3 times a week when you haven’t stepped through the door in over a month?


For expert advice from the recruitment specialists on any aspect of your career, email or call 01534 875444.

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